Deal creation.
Begin an intelligence-driven sales process by triggering deal record creation and assignment in response to specific behaviors indicating interest such as custom events you've set up, website browsing behavior, specific link clicks in campaigns, and more.
Streamline processes with automation.
Save time by automating routine, time-consuming details like record management, pipeline movement, and task assignments. Your team will always have up-to-date information and always know what their next action is.
Perfect alignment between marketing & sales.
When your marketing & sales processes are driven by the same platform, all data is shared and processes can improve as they influence one another. As sales learns about a prospect's interests, they can begin targeted marketing follow-up. As your marketing automation identifies quality leads, they can be instantly assigned to a sales team for personal outreach.
Ease-of-use without sacrificing power.
The Deals CRM is an intuitive, hassle-free tool that gets out of your way so you and your team can focus on closing. Your company can be up and running with minimal training and set up because of the familiar Kanban-style and streamlined interface.
Balance human touch and automation.
Sophisticated automation workflows allow you to balance the efficiency of automation with the effectiveness of one-to-one communication. Rely on automation to identify warm leads and then bring a human into the conversation at the perfect moment.
Engage at the perfect moment.
With an intelligence driven tool like Mark-i monitoring your website, app, and campaigns, your sales team will be notified when key events occur so they can immediately reach out and address concerns right when they're occurring.
Built for teamwork and collaboration.
All relevant information about a deal is consolidated and organized rather than spread among your team's inboxes. Discuss a deal's activity inline. Loop teammates into the conversation by tagging them.
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